Our biggest present is your presence!



We couldn't be more thrilled to celebrate this special occasion with you.





While your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift we could ask for, we understand that some of you may wish to contribute in other ways. We would greatly appreciate contributions to help complete our household, and alternatively, any support towards our honeymoon would also be incredibly thoughtful.


Wedding registry

The items shown here: Raïssa & Nikolaus Wedding, represent what we'd love to have to complete our household.


How does it work?

You can gift or contribute to items listed in the registry by clicking "Offer." If you prefer to contribute to a larger gift, click "Participate" and choose an amount that suits you. After offering or contributing to a gift, please manually transfer the amount to our bank account, which will be displayed when you make the offer.


Please note that you have the option to either gift the full amount or make a contribution towards the selected item(s)! 


Or to make your contribution directly:


Name: I R de Vos CJ

Account number: NL26 ABNA 0887308562




Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of our journey and for your thoughtfulness.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.